300+ Followers — Thank you so much!

300+followerRedWhiteThe number of followers of this blog is growing and growing. I am so moved by how many people stop by on a regular basis, read my posts, and even like them! 😉 Since today, more than 300 wonderful, good-natured, and super smart people are following Me & My Veritas. 😉 I want to hug and thank everyone of you: Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This blog is nothing without you!

If you regret having missed me so far, please follow me by simply hitting one of the follow buttons that you can find in the sidebar at the right. Me & My Veritas is now also on Facebook: www.facebook.com/meandmyveritas. If you like me over there, you will get even more information about and updates on what is going on. Looking forward to see you around.

PS: I am planning something BIG for 500+ followers…

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14 thoughts on “300+ Followers — Thank you so much!

  1. Pingback: Thanks to 500+ Followers! — You are the best! | Me & My Veritas

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