Little Cuties: Twig Table – A Tutorial

Announcement_Table This is part II of the Little Cuties series. Recently I wrote about the super cute Twig Chairs that Katherine from One Inch World introduced to us so wonderfully. When I was done with the chairs, I could not stop and simply had to make a Twig Table around which I can assemble the Twig Chairs. Thus, using the twig leftovers I came up with the lovely matching Twig Table that you can see in the picture above.  Continue reading

Little Cuties: Twig Chairs


Remember that I wrote about these super cute Twig Chairs earlier? Already two weeks ago, little P. and me went to the nearby ravine and collected a bunch of 0.16-0.24 inches (i.e., 0.4-0.6 cm) thick twigs. We dried them for a week, followed Katherine’s very detailed DIY twig chair instructions, and came out with the little cuties that you can see above. I am so in LOVE and Continue reading