Felt tools: The Screwdriver


Welcome to the second post of my “Felt Tools” toy series. Today I would like to introduce The Screwdriver—a quick but very cute project for every little construction worker or handyman. And let’s face it! Who doesn’t need a screwdriver??? 🙂 If you are interested, please also have a look at Continue reading

Giveaway: 10 Cell Phone Sewing Kits — Enter to win!

10 Sewing Kit Giveaways --- Enter to win!

Today it’s all about you! I am going to give away 10 super cute sewing kits for my DIY cell phone post. As cutting a pattern usually takes half of the time of any sewing project, I thought it might make you happy if I do this for you! All YOU need to do (in case you win) is Continue reading

DIY Felt Tools: The Saw


Welcome to the very first post of my super new DIY toy series. *drum roll* Ladies and Gentleman, I am more than excited and proud to introduce the DIY Felt Tools—a series of 6 very cute felt toys. This series is going to cover the following: a saw, a screwdriver, a hammer, a wrench, a carpenter square, and a tool belt.  Continue reading

Rooster Costume: The Beak


This is the second part of a very basic rooster costume consisting of a comb and a beak (with wattles). For the comb tutorial please click here. As is the case for the comb, the beak is also made from felt and comes with two wattles at each side. The nose is stuffed in order to allow for a nice picking experience… 😉 Nevertheless, there is enough room left for small (and big) noses. Continue reading

Rooster Costume: The Comb


It’s Easter weekend, and a rooster is on the loose! He is running around in my apartment and loves to pick corn from the floor with his beak… 😉 Like probably every other young kid my son loves farms and farm animals. Currently, he is fascinated by the idea that a rooster is the first animal awake on a farm and that it wakes up all the other animals with Continue reading

DIY Felt Food: Complete Sandwich Set


It is so easy and gratifying to make felt food. I love the very realistic look. On top of that felt food is safe, colourful, soft, and long-lasting. This cute felt sandwich set will promote the imagination of your little ones and guarantees endless hours of joy of playing. If you are inspired now to Continue reading