Natural Toys Tutorials: Ramp with Trees


Autumn Fairy. — “Wait. Please wait! What are you?” Little Red Cap was exhausted from running. He had been picking wild strawberries quite early this day. While following their sweet scent he had encountered a little meadow still Continue reading

Natural Toys Tutorials: Table with Armchairs


Just add sunshine. — It is late summer and has been raining for days. Little Red Cap is totally bored and starts peeling off the wallpaper in his kid’s room. At the weekend his father, Big Blue Cap, and he had moved into their peaceful cottage at Lake Huron, where they  Continue reading

Natural Toys Tutorial: Branch Building Blocks


Wooden building blocks are more than mere wooden building blocks: They are childhood classics!

Playing with natural material stimulates the senses of our little ones. Thus, I made some Waldorf-inspired building blocks from branches. They come with a texture that is more interesting than that of traditional building blocks. Kids benefit Continue reading