DIY Button Up Game


This is a super quick DIY game, which can keep toddlers busy for quite a long time. I made this game when my son turned 2 and when I noticed that he loved to play with my buttons. Now aged 3, he still likes to play with it. While buttoning up all the different and colourful shapes he totally forgets time and is so concentrated that he is biting his tongue. Awww. 🙂

Here are all 21 shapes that I made:


How-to-play ideas:

  1. When all shapes are on(off) the yarn, (un)button them (up).
  2. (Un)button them (up) according to either color (e.g., blue ones first) or shape (e.g. moons first).
  3. Remove all shapes from the yarn and lay them in front of you. Tell a story that features all the shapes. As soon as a new shape is mentioned, the little one is supposed to button up the respective shape. An example for such a story would be: In the middle of the night, when everyone was fast asleep except for the moon (shape 1), there was suddenly a sound that became louder and louder. Below him the moon saw a car (shape 2) driving along the highway. When he looked closely, he noticed two stars (shapes 3 and 4) sitting in the car and fighting over who is going to steer next. No surprise that it did not take long until the car spun out of control and almost bumped into a tree (shape 5). One of the stars fell out of the car, rolled down a little hill, and stopped in front of a snowman (shape 6). He immediately fell in love (shape 7) and… 
  4. Prepare everything as in version 4. But this time your kid decides the order of shapes to be buttoned up, and you or both of you come up with a story.

List of materials:

  1. Felt or other fray-free fabric (different colours are great)
  2. Pinking scissors
  3. Cookie cutter (optional!)
  4. Knife or standard scissors
  5. A 3.9 inches (i.e., 10 cm) long piece of yarn
  6. One big button
  7. Embroidery needle

I can highly recommend the following items (please note that the links below are affiliate links):

Thick & Soft Felt  Screen Shot 2018-02-25 at 13.36.49  Screen Shot 2018-02-25 at 13.54.59  Screen Shot 2018-02-25 at 13.52.19.png


STEP 1: Trace shapes of cookie cutters onto felt and cut the shapes using pinking scissors. Other shapes—such as boat, cloud, bell, snowman, tree, mushroom, car, and fish—I cut free hand. Using a knife or standard scissors make one cut into each shape. Make sure that this cut is long enough to easily guide the button through. Depending on the shape I either made horizontal (e.g., cloud, car) or vertical cuts (e.g., heart, snowman) to ensure that the cut is never too close to the edge of a shape.


STEP 2: Attach one end of the yarn to the button and the other to a small piece of felt. I sewed it on (see below) using an embroidery needle. If you want to use longer yarn, make sure that it is not too long. Otherwise it will tangle up during the game and ruin the kid’s patience… I know what I am talking about. 😉


That’s it. Super fast and super easy! Hope your little one is going to have a lot of fun.

I am linking this to KiddikramTalented Tuesday, and Threading My Way.

Please click here and leave a comment…. Ich freue mich auch sehr über Kommentare auf Deutsch.

39 thoughts on “DIY Button Up Game

  1. This is a brilliant craft idea! Thank you for sharing 🙂 This would help with the children with fine motor, coordination issues. Love love love the idea 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s awesome and sound like this weekend is going to be just extraordinarily great. 🙂 Two sets means even more shapes. How exciting! 🙂 Wanna see them. Best to you and both little ones


  3. Hi Katie! Thanks you very much for stopping by at my site. I am very glad you like this idea. The jar idea is great! I am also thinking of a button-and-shape garland right now…. Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂


  4. Wow! I love this! I wish I had seen this back when my four year old was about 2 – that would have been perfect! I’ve got a ten month old now too, though, so this is definitely getting Pinterested! Also, thanks for visiting my blog. I’m new to the blogging world and I appreciate the support!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Nicole, thank you very much for stopping by. 🙂 Your youngest kid will for sure enjoy this game. Though, in combination with the stories it’s a lot of fun for the parent, too. 🙂 I love the hearts top that you made for your daughter! I am following you back now and will also like you on Facebook. You could like me back if you want. This way we can stay in contact. What do you think? 🙂 All the best to you and your kiddies. Jana


  6. Hi Jana! Absolutely, thanks! I will find you on Facebook! The tank top was a lot of fun to make and I hope to do a pair of shorts to go with it soon. Too many projects and not enough time!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I hear you! 🙂 BTW, I am going to release a “Your Makes” gallery soon. In case you are going to make the Button up Game, please send me a picture and I will include it along with your name and blog address. Good advertisement. 😉 Cheers, Jana


  8. Pingback: DIY Angry Birds Button Game | Curls and Q

  9. You are very welcome and thank you so much for stopping by. I will release a “Your Makes” gallery soon. If you want you could then send me pictures of your version and I will include it along with your name. Hope your grandchildren will enjoy the game! Best to you, Jana


  10. Thank you so much for your super nice comment! We really enjoy playing with this game. Love how my son is usually so focussed that you can hear only his breath… 😉 Happy Easter to you!


  11. Horray! That makes me really happy! I would love to see your versions, especially the alphabet one. If you want I also would like to include it along with your name and blog address into a “Your Makes” gallery that I am going to release soon (probably next Wednesday). So if you are interested, please send me your backs then or link back to the Button Game post! Happy Easter to you! Jana

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Exactly! 🙂 I am super glad you like it. If you are going to give it a try, please send me your pics. I will release a “Your Makes” gallery tonight and would love to include pics of your version along with your name and blog address. 🙂 Just in case you are interested. All the best to you, Jana

    Liked by 1 person

  13. His, Susan. I’m glad you stopped by and like it. Hope your grandkids will have a lot of fun with it. Have a good night


  14. Thank you very much for stopping by and the kind words! I’m super glad you like it. Hope that more and more kids will have fun with this simple game. 🙂 Have a lovely day, Jana


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