Natural Toys Tutorials: Feeding & Watering Trough


Welcome to the fifth post of my “Natural Toys Tutorials” Series. Today I would like to introduce the Feeding & Watering Trough—a really quick but very cute project. My son loves to play Zoo with his Schleich animals, which is why a feeding and watering trough was highly welcomed by my little Zoo keeper. The “bowls” on the left can hold up to two different kinds of food (e.g., hay and grains for the goat…) and the groove on the left can be filled with water.

If you are interested, please also have a look at my other posts: Branch Building BlocksTable with Armchairs, Lookout with Stairs, and Ramp with Trees. Here is how I made the Feeding & Watering Trough:

List of the materials:

  1. One thin branch (or thick twig)
  2. Two acorn caps
  3. Piece of bark
  4. Hand saw
  5. Carving tool
  6. Sand paper
  7. Hot glue gun (use cautiously!)

STEP 1: Collect one thin branch (or thick twig) and two acorns and dry them. Cut one 1.6 inches long (i.e., 4 cm) piece of the branch, and cut this piece in half using a hand saw. For more details on branch selection, drying, and cutting please refer to my first post about Waldorf-inspired Branch Building Blocks.

STEP 2: Carefully remove the inner part of the bark piece by using a carving tool. Sand the branch piece (top, sides, inside, and outside) in order to remove any rough edges and small splinters.


STEP 3: Cut a piece of bark into the shape of a half circle and glue it onto one side of the branch piece using the hot glue gun.


STEP 4: Remove the caps of both acorns. Turn them around and glue them onto the other side of the branch piece.


That’s it. You are done. Super easy and doable in 10 minutes. I have more Natural Toys Tutorials here and will publish three more soon! So please stay tuned!

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I am linking this to KiddikramMade4Boys, and Talented Tuesday.

11 thoughts on “Natural Toys Tutorials: Feeding & Watering Trough

  1. I love natural toys…especially if they are made form materials that are readily available incase they break!
    Thank you for linking up at the Talented Tuesday Link Party! I hope you join us again 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Natural Toys Tutorials: Wooden Seesaw | Me & My Veritas

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